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About Us
About O'Halloran Hill Early Learning Centre
History about our Service:
Kingston College Tafe Child Care Centre opened on Monday 27th July 1992. The plaque still hangs in the foyer. As the years went on it was known as the O’Halloran Hill Campus Child Care Centre.
In 2013 it was decided the O’Halloran Hill Tafe and Child Care Centre would be closed down.
The families who were using the centre were very saddened and knew that it would be difficult to obtain child care places within the community so they formed a parent group and canvassed the local politicians to keep the centre open.
It was decided the centre would close and be sold. An Expression of Interest was put out into the community. This was a long process for all stakeholders.
On the 6th December 2013 it was announced Michael and Jillian Brodyk were the new owners. That evening they were invited to the children’s Christmas party to be introduced to the current families.
Jillian and Michael have lived in the local southern area for 35 years and Michael has run his own small business and Jillian has worked in child care for 30 years and 22 of those years being in community child care.
The Campus Child Care Centre closed its doors on the 20th December 2013. O’Halloran Hill Early Learning Centre opened on Monday 6th January 2014.
Since then we have been welcoming families into our service and building our staff team.
Jillian is the director of the centre and Michael does the maintenance. You will see them most days.
We consider this a family owned business and welcome you as part of our extended family and look forward to getting to know you and your family.
Kingston College Tafe Child Care Centre opened on Monday 27th July 1992. The plaque still hangs in the foyer. As the years went on it was known as the O’Halloran Hill Campus Child Care Centre.
In 2013 it was decided the O’Halloran Hill Tafe and Child Care Centre would be closed down.
The families who were using the centre were very saddened and knew that it would be difficult to obtain child care places within the community so they formed a parent group and canvassed the local politicians to keep the centre open.
It was decided the centre would close and be sold. An Expression of Interest was put out into the community. This was a long process for all stakeholders.
On the 6th December 2013 it was announced Michael and Jillian Brodyk were the new owners. That evening they were invited to the children’s Christmas party to be introduced to the current families.
Jillian and Michael have lived in the local southern area for 35 years and Michael has run his own small business and Jillian has worked in child care for 30 years and 22 of those years being in community child care.
The Campus Child Care Centre closed its doors on the 20th December 2013. O’Halloran Hill Early Learning Centre opened on Monday 6th January 2014.
Since then we have been welcoming families into our service and building our staff team.
Jillian is the director of the centre and Michael does the maintenance. You will see them most days.
We consider this a family owned business and welcome you as part of our extended family and look forward to getting to know you and your family.

Our overall rating with ACECQA (Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority) is Exceeding NQS

Baby Room
6 weeks - 2 years
Our Babies Room offers a warm, caring, nurturing environment where our educators build trusting and secure relationships with the children. We place great emphasis on supporting your child's individual routine to ensure a smooth transition between home and the Centre.
Our approach to early childhood learning is reflected in the Early Years Framework where we provide children with a sense of Belonging, recognise and celebrate their Being and support their Becoming.
Our learning environment is play based where children can explore a range of experiences to further enhance their increasing curiosity and physical abilities.
Our approach to early childhood learning is reflected in the Early Years Framework where we provide children with a sense of Belonging, recognise and celebrate their Being and support their Becoming.
Our learning environment is play based where children can explore a range of experiences to further enhance their increasing curiosity and physical abilities.

Toddler Room
2 years - 3½ years
In the Toddler room we believe that developing supportive, trusting relationships between families, children and educators is of vital importance and this is reflected in the way the Toddler Room operates.
We believe in utilising routine times, i.e. meal times and toileting, as opportunities for learning and as times for social interaction and discussion.
Play is crucial to children’s learning and the children are encouraged to make choices regarding their play and the materials they wish to use. Songs, books, art experiences, sensory play and opportunities for movement and large muscle development are all provided within the curriculum.
The Educators in the Toddler Room constantly look for ways to extend children’s thinking and their interests through discussion and questioning and being active players themselves.
We believe in utilising routine times, i.e. meal times and toileting, as opportunities for learning and as times for social interaction and discussion.
Play is crucial to children’s learning and the children are encouraged to make choices regarding their play and the materials they wish to use. Songs, books, art experiences, sensory play and opportunities for movement and large muscle development are all provided within the curriculum.
The Educators in the Toddler Room constantly look for ways to extend children’s thinking and their interests through discussion and questioning and being active players themselves.

Kindy Room
3 years - 5 years
Philosophy - We are very passionate about providing children and their families with a warm, safe and secure environment that is an extension of their families and homes. We will work in partnerships with families to ensure all aspects of your child’s development is being met and catered for, understanding that all children’s learning capacities and styles are individual. We believe in child centred play which encompasses holistic growth and development. We also believe in providing open ended, scaffolded learning experiences in which the interests and choices of each child’s unique qualities are recognised. We will do this by providing an exciting and aesthetically pleasing learning environment which uses sensory materials and natural resources. We value children’s play.
Nature Play - Once a week the Kindy Children have the opportunity to participate in our Nature play program. The aim of this program is to expand children’s connection with the natural environment around the centre and extend their learning experiences beyond the four wall of the classroom.
Universal Access Program - Our centre offers the Universal Access Kindy Program which is a government based learning program in a long day care setting. This program enables children who are 4 years old to participate in a pre-school developed learning curriculum. The program is run by our Early Childhood Teacher and aims to give children the skills they need to attend school.
Nature Play - Once a week the Kindy Children have the opportunity to participate in our Nature play program. The aim of this program is to expand children’s connection with the natural environment around the centre and extend their learning experiences beyond the four wall of the classroom.
Universal Access Program - Our centre offers the Universal Access Kindy Program which is a government based learning program in a long day care setting. This program enables children who are 4 years old to participate in a pre-school developed learning curriculum. The program is run by our Early Childhood Teacher and aims to give children the skills they need to attend school.

Contact Us
Our Address
5/A Majors Road,
O'Halloran Hill, SA 5158.
Telephone: 08 8296 6564
E-mail: oh.childcare@outlook.com

Contact Us